

Original Lyrics

CHORUS ------------------
I'm an adsense clicker I'm, THE adsense clicker
Invite me to your site and I'll make you richer
Do you understand do you get the big picture
I'm an adsense clicker Yes, THE adsense clicker

Hello my friends are you ready to win
Invite me to your site that's how we begin
If there are google ads that I like
I'll click on them yeah that's right

You might make a quarter you could make a buck
You might make a penny but that would suck
But you'll be making money no matter what
Cause I'm the adsense clicker and wish you luck


Email me yes let me see
The website you made oh let me read
Or perhaps you are a youtube star
Message me no matter where you are

Extra cash nothing wrong with that
Sponsored ads they want to attract
So I'll take a look click here and there
Buy some stuff hope they mail it with care



I click you click
Everybody click click
There's nothing to it
There is no trick trick

Yes everybody
There are no limits
Tell me 'bout your site
So I can visit

Hook me up with a link what do you think
Yes there's a chance that your bandwidth will shrink
But that's a problem that you want to have
Having many visitors isn't bad
Listen to more songs on Stunpals dot com
Email me when you're finished when you're done
Tell me about your site yeah if you like
Thank you my friend you are very nice


How does one know where to really go
Yes my friend you have to show them so
Your webpages did you write them yourself
Tell me the link and I will check them out

I'm the adsense clicker and make you richer
You understand you get the big picture
I only click on ads that I like
Ones that get my attention please invite


It takes a lot of clicks to make 10 grand
I'll give you traffic also tell my friends
We only click on ads that we like
So have a good blog and or good website

Please let me know so I can click below
To read what you wrote entertain me so
'Course everybody wants to be richer
You're in luck cause I'm the adsense clicker



Contact: stunpalsmusic@hotmail.com