



I promised myself that I would write a book and I recommend that you write one too. Nothing wrong with letting future generations know that YOU were here. I will be giving you my point of view on many things. Lots of people won't like what I have to say, but that's too bad because I will be telling the truth and as you already know, many dislike what is true. If you tell a Muslim that his prophet was a pedophile, he or she will hate YOU for speaking the truth. If you tell a Christian that his or her religion is a lie, tempers will flare. A white Jesus oh come on! People in the middle east have dark skin and there's no question about it. I can go on and on, but you get the picture. Feelings will be hurt, but its not my fault for being brutally honest. Numerous times I have debated people and it gets so tiring after a while saying the same things over again and that dear reader is the reason I am writing to you today.

I am currently working as an English teacher in Osaka and for years I have been reading books during my breaks which can last up to 3 hours at a time. Time to switch things around and start writing again for a change. I use to write songs not long ago and may one day go back to that if there's a decent band I stumble across. I don't have many bad habits, but I do have some. No vices, no virtue right? Luckily I do have some good habits and educating myself is one of them. Since this book will be written during my break times at work, there is a very high probability that I will be 100% sober throughout the whole process. Anyone that knows me socially seldomly sees me without some sort of liquor nearby. I've tried writing books before when drinking and they end up with too many swear words and the material is discursive. Won't be having that problem this time. Anyway there's my terse introduction and now its time to get down to business. No apologies will be given if feelings get hurt.

