song: I know how you feel
  Original Lyrics

I try to be nice but some want to fight
I can't believe it's real
Now I know how you feel
Now I know how you feel

No money for beer or cigarettes
Haven’t even had a meal
Yeah I know how you feel
I sure do know how you feel

I know how you’re feeling these days
I know what you've been through
Some won't understand till it's too late
It's a shame but what can you do

Payday loans at 30%
It's like those people steal
Now I know how you feel
Now I know how you feel

Remember the days when things were going great
Then you got a bad deal
Now I know how you feel
Now I know how you feel
And the tears that run down are real

CHORUS (slightly different but same melody)
You know how I'm feeling these days
You know what I have been through
I had to find out the hard way
Don't let it happen to you

Nothing has changed today was a waste
You had a lot of time to kill
Yes I know how you feel
I really know how you feel

You're going nowhere fast
Cause you keep looking back
Come on my friend get real
I'm sure I know how you feel
And the tears that run down are real
And the pain inside needs to heal

I know how you're feeling these days
I know what you're going through
Some won't understand till it's too late
It's a shame but what can you do

(Softly) I try to be nice but some want to fight.... I can't believe it's real... Now I know how you feel...................

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Down on my Luck 1
Seasons 2
Liquid Gold 3
Tequilla Sheila (Ver 1) 4
True Friends (Ver 1) 5
I don’t care if she cooks 6
I know how you feel 7
You are 8
When I find the time 9
Everything you wanted 10
Hein Road 11
Payday 12
If I pay you 13
Lessons (Ver 1) 14
The Park 15
Lessons (Ver 2) 16
Tequilla Sheila (Ver 2) 17
True Friends (Ver 2) 18
Fear and Guilt 19
A Better Place 20
The Park (Ver 2) 21
My Imagination 22
Mullet Man S.A.M 23
Jimmy Hicks 24
I'm a Big Fan of Mr McMahon 25
Nova Guy 26
They Say That I Can't 27
Bargain Bill 28
Juiced 29
Chump to Champ 30
Make Up Onna 31
Chump to Champ Seattle 32
Make Up Onna - Sensomatic 33

Kiseichu 34

Ex Nova Guy 35
Yabba Gaba Dude 36
Mystery Method and Style Life 37
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